Wednesday, 27 February 2008

AGM report

I'm a bit knackered to put in a full post on this at the moment. But the main news is that the amended constitution was passed by 647 votes to 90, meaning the club can now borrow up to £20m.

I've got a full report brewing, with quotes, reports on the plan for developing the ground, as well as some juicy conspiracy theories based on some things that were said, and some interesting (well relatively) points that I have found from digging around in the annual accounts statement and some other bits and bobs.

At the moment however I seem to have lost the ability to spell, and it is only the wonderful firefox browser I've got with inbuilt dictionary that has made this post legible. (which to be fair is true for most of my posts; but delevolping? what on earth is that?)

More on this story tomorrow. Or the next day.....

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