I appreciate that sometimes it might appear that I almost vomit content onto this blog with no thought to presentation or common sense. However I can assure you that the truth is quite the opposite, although I don't have a home computer for most of the week and have a full time job I still reckon I do a fair job of keeping this thing going (well at least in the past few weeks - the periods of June and July we don't talk about, they have been scrubbed from the annual of the Raggybear). So it is with great annoyance that having spent a long time messing with the HTML/XML code that underpins the blog in order to make it look all nice and have three columns that I have found out that Internet Explorer users are actually seeing the middle column half-way down the page, under the posts.
I have tried several things and cannot seem to fix it. It defies logic and rational argument. Therefore I think it is just easier if you all upgrade to firefox. Its a lot better anyway and you can think of it in terms of your enjoyment of the Raggybear, as like gazing up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in person, as opposed to looking at it on a mobile phone camera.
Get Firefox. Enjoy the Raggybear in all its renaissance glory. Its that simple people.
Firefox is WITHOUT doubt the only web browser you should use.
I cannot stand I.E and hate being held to ransom by Windows.
Some things just don't work on Firefox but fortunately, many do.
Although..my MySpace looks better through I.E than it does on F.F..
anyway..yes folks, take Raggy's advice and download the latest version now.
You will NOT be disappointed.
Google Chrome (and thus Safari and Konqueror) also work fine.
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